Healthy eating, frugal heating - air fryers are back in stock!

Understandably, as our energy bills started to bite last autumn, the popularity of air fryers became so great that they sold out everywhere. Electrical retailers across the country have been waiting for new supplies to arrive, but the wait is over, and we are delighted to announce that our Sensio Home air fryers are now back in stock. 

Why have air fryers become so popular? 

There are two main reasons why air fryers are now so popular they have become a modern kitchen essential rather than a nice-to-have gadget. So much so that supermarkets have started to add air fryer cooking instructions on their food packaging. 

They’re energy efficient 

The main reason for the rush on air fryers last autumn was because they’re a lot cheaper to run than a traditional oven. Their size plays a big role in this - with less space to heat up, you won’t need to use so much electricity. An additional bonus is that air fryers get up to temperature very quickly - you have to wait a few minutes for traditional ovens to get up to cooking temperature, which means you’re paying for heat you’re not using. Air fryers also cook food more efficiently - the circulation of hot air means your food is cooked evenly, which saves a few minutes of cooking time. A few minutes here and there soon adds up. 

In a previous blog about the best energy-saving gadgets, we pointed out that an electric oven, on average, could cost around £316 a year to run (October 2022 prices), whereas our largest air fryer, the Mega 21L Capacity Air Fryer Oven, Family Size Healthy Cooking, 1800W Multifunctional, comes in at a third of that cost at £101. The smaller the air fryer, the lower the running cost. This makes air fryers a much cheaper option for small households as they will allow you to easily cook enough food for everyone without having to use the oven. 

They help you stick to a healthy diet 

The way air fryers work means they’re great if you want to maintain a healthy diet without compromising on the food you love. An air fryer uses around 95% less oil than cooking in a frying pan or deep-fat fryer, but you’ll still get the same crisp results. You only need to use a tablespoon of oil to cook a kilogram of chopped potatoes, making it a much healthier alternative to deep-fried chips.

But the word ‘fryer’ is a bit misleading - you don’t have to use oil in an air fryer, which means you can cook a whole host of healthy food in it. In fact, you can cook virtually anything in an air fryer that you can cook in a traditional oven, as well as some things you can’t - did you know you can poach eggs in the air fryer? Us neither, but we’re going to try it! 

You can cook lots of different vegetables in the air fryer including corn on the cob, broccoli, sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, squash, kale and even frozen vegetables

And if you love snacking, you can make your own healthier version of crisps in the air fryer. Alternatively, something you rarely see in the supermarket, spiced chickpeas.

You can also bake cakes and pastries in an air fryer - air fryer doughnuts anyone? Again, baking times will be less than in a conventional oven, and the advice is that you may have to try cooking your bakes a few times while you get used to the fryer, but with a little practice, you will get delicious results.

Check out our range of Sensio Home air fryers and buy yours now before anyone else finds out they're back in stock! Klarna payment options are available.